[U-HN] Fw: [lpi-northamerica] LPI 10th Anniversary Notices
Elvira Martínez
elvira.martinez38 en gmail.com
Jue Ago 20 18:44:05 BST 2009
Ahhhh amaría estar allá. Mis papás viven allí. Lastima no poder asistir.
Elvira Martínez
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:34 AM, <rcarcamo en pc-doctorshn.com> wrote:
> LPI esta ofreciendo estos descuentos y clases ademas de muchas cosas mas
> durante el periodo para los que puedan participar en el evento pues nos
> veremos por ahi ... Por cierto el codigo es universal puede ser usado varias
> veces.
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Announce-only list for LPI-NorthAmerica <lpi-northamerica en lpi.org>
> Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 13:06:57
> To: <rcarcamo en pc-doctorshn.com>
> Subject: [lpi-northamerica] LPI 10th Anniversary Notices
> LPI 10th Anniversary Notices
> Next month marks the 10th Anniversary of the Linux Professional Insitute
> and accordingly LPI has some important announcements regarding
> recertification, upcoming events and special discounts.
> 1. LinuxCon: September 21-23, 2009 (Portland, Oregon)
> LPI is proud to be participating in the Linux Foundation's new annual
> technical conference that will provide an unmatched collaboration and
> education space for all matters Linux.
> LPI will host two events during the conference: a day of exam labs and a
> Technical Advisory Committee for community input into LPI exam
> development. For more information on LPI en LINUXCON please see:
> http://www.lpi.org/eng/about_lpi/upcoming_events/linuxcon_and_linuxfest_2009
> To register for LinuxCon go to:
> http://events.linuxfoundation.org/component/registrationpro/?func=details&did=1
> 2. IMPORTANT: "Single Exam" Expiry Policy
> In March our Board of Directors passed a new policy that limited the
> time a single exam would remain valid towards certification. In the
> past it was possible that one could write and pass one exam and then
> take the second exam at an indefinite later date in order to complete
> the certification (e.g. both LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 require two exams). This
> has been modified to align with our recertification policy (# 6 at
> http://www.lpi.org/eng/certification/policies): a single exam will be
> valid for only five years such that the second exam must be taken within
> a five year period in order to obtain the certification.
> This new policy will be fully implemented on September 1, 2009. A FAQ
> will be available at that time to provide details and examples. In the
> interim we have been contacting all "single exam" holders in our
> database who will soon be expiring to inform them of this policy
> initiative.
> 3. Ohio LinuxFest: September 25-27, 2009 (Columbus, Ohio)
> This is the fourth consecutive year that LPI will participate in Ohio
> LinuxFest and this year this popular and regional "Free and Open Source
> Software Conference and Expo" will celebrate 40 years of Unix.
> LPI will host discounted exam labs during the event. For more
> information see: http://www.ohiolinux.org/lpi.html
> In addition, the conference will feature an all day "exam cram" class to
> assist candidates in preparing for their LPIC-1 exams:
> http://www.ohiolinux.org/olfu.html#class_lpi_cram
> 4. LPIC-1 and Ubuntu Certified Professional Vouchers
> LPI and Canonical (sponsor of the popular Linux distribution Ubuntu)
> have introduced a new discounted voucher program for the LPIC-1 and
> Ubuntu Certified Professional (UCP) exams. The promotional program
> enables candidates to purchase a voucher bundle for the LPI-101, LPI-102
> and the LPI-199 exams at USD $120 each--a savings of over 20%.
> For more information please on this voucher bundle please see:
> http://www.lpi.org/eng/about_lpi/upcoming_events/lpi_promotions_and_incentives
> To order your voucher bundle please contact: accounts en lpi.org
> _______________________________________________
> LPI-NorthAmerica mailing list
> LPI-NorthAmerica en lpi.org
> This is an "announce-only" list.
> To unsubscribe please see the following page:
> http://list.lpi.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lpi-northamerica
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