[ubuntu-hardened] Missing Firefox security update (USN-2656-1). Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Chris Coulson chrisccoulson at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 13 10:03:57 UTC 2015

On 11/07/15 21:26, Daniel Curtis wrote:
> Hello
> Okay, thank you for a launchpad link. I should check
> first there for a reason why there is no a security update
> for a Firefox on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In addition, I'm also using
> x86 architecture.
> Anyway, I think there should be some sort of an information,
> in the USN report, about this issue and exaplanation why
> there is not available update to a new Firefox version on
> Precise/x86.
> Okay. According to this bug, is there any chance that Firefox
> in Precise will be updated to the 39. version soon? This update
> fix multiple security issues...
> Thank You once again.
> Best regards.

At the weekend I isolated the bug down to a specific optimization in
GCC, so I plan to rebuild it with that disabled on x86 and will publish
an update for 12.04 by midweek.

- Chris
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