[ubuntu-hardened] Someone strikes back

Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro lorenzo at gnu.org
Mon May 2 17:52:45 CDT 2005


Despite the senseless subject, but, well, I'm back (more or less).

After a little long, good & interesting conversation by phone with
Benjamin Mako, the "conditions" I explained in [1] are satisfied, and
most remains to be a damn confusion, miscommunication, misunderstanding,
disinformation problem, and I want to thank him for his time, attention
and help.

It's much of a worthy thing to give all of us another opportunity to get
working together and bringing the best of ourselves to the great
community of people behind Ubuntu Linux, thus, I can't reject to give a
new opportunity to this.

I apologize if there was any confusion regarding the last things
happened on the lists related with my "leaving" note (I noted well that
it was only until some things get clear and well explained).

Now that we have another chance of working on the things to have a
well-done bunch of work, I'm going to work tomorrow in a new plan of
work, with things explained well and clearly, with well described goals
and targets of attention and work. That is, our plan to have Ubuntu
Hardened and it's "herds" (currently just the SELinux one AFAIK) to be
an useful, helpful and prolific (if possible) approach to Ubuntu Linux.

I will announce it and make the proper politics to get an insightful
discussion going on it.

Also, I will write up a new specification, as replacement, of what was
*suggested* (rather than decided, hence the confusion AFAIK and as Mako
told me) or *recommended*, thus, creating a new "RFC" to be discussed
and eventually approved by the proper parties.

In short, I've decided to work out a decision for this, and getting over
it, giving best of myself as much as possible, instead of just leaving
for the rest of time. There's much on the game to *not* give such sweet
to our enemies -eh, competitors-, and we need to rock the house with it
(if possible, which I have some faith that it's a matter of working
together without any aversion, prejudice or "background-thread", that
is, conspiracy...).

I'm currently in the process of getting involved on Gentoo also, and
I've taken the decision for feeding my upstream "side" (among that I was
thinking about it since time ago), among the experience of working with
new people, in other ways, with other philosophy and way-of-work, but
I'm pretty sure I can manage to work all-together without disturbing my
activities in each other project (sorry, I like multitasking).
(and I thought that it's honest to notice about it before anyone gets on
theories about that conspiracy thing ;) ).


Cheers and thanks to all again,
Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro <lorenzo at gnu.org> 
[1024D/6F2B2DEC] & [2048g/9AE91A22][http://tuxedo-es.org]
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