[ubuntu-hardened] [RFC] selinux-support (1.0.1) available

Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro lorenzo at gnu.org
Thu Mar 24 16:47:12 CST 2005


I'm glad to announce the public availability of the selinux-support
(meta-)package which accomplishes the goal of installing the user-land
tools for Security-Enhanced Linux support and few configuration-related
files that will be used in a near future during the deployment of
SELinux within Ubuntu Linux.

The packages depending on selinux-support (which are subsequently
installed when installing it) are:

	* selinux-doc
	* slat
	* selinux-utils
	* libselinux1
	* libselinux1-dev
	* policycoreutils
	* libsepol1
	* checkpolicy
	* selinux-policy-default

It also provides the Python bindings for libselinux, coming from the
Hardened Gentoo project and available in the Gentoo CVS:

It's available (as apt'able package) at the repository 
and more concretely in

Please, send back comments, suggestions, critics, etc.

I would like to thank Andrew Mitchell because of his help and comments
during it's short) development :)

Thanks, cheers.
Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro <lorenzo at gnu.org> 
[1024D/6F2B2DEC] & [2048g/9AE91A22][http://tuxedo-es.org]
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