[ubuntu-hardened] Announcement of the ubuntu-hardened mailing list

Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro lorenzo at gnu.org
Fri Mar 4 09:06:43 CST 2005


I'm glad to announce the public availability of the new ubuntu-hardened
mailing list, a place intended for discussing anything related with
Proactive Security technologies (intrusion prevention and detection,
etc), their implementation, deployment and development.

The list aims to be the place where Hardened Debian developers and
contributors get in touch with both Ubuntu Linux users and developers, a
place to collaborate, work together and give help to others to achieve
and make possible the goals we want to achieve.

I encourage those who are interested in these terms, to visit the
mailing list page:

I would like to thank Jeff Waugh and Matt Zimmerman for their help,
suggestions, comments, thoughts, etc about this list and also for being
proud of it's creation.

In addition, it could be worthy also to have a look at the Ubuntu Linux
wiki and it's security related pages:


And also a new MOTU team being proposed:

For more information on Hardened Debian,

I hope that all of you will enjoy it,
Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro <lorenzo at gnu.org> 
[1024D/6F2B2DEC] & [2048g/9AE91A22][http://tuxedo-es.org]
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