ένα upgrade πόσο θα βοηθούσε την κατάσταση?
elahistos at yahoo.gr
Tue May 6 12:26:08 BST 2008
O/H rizitis έγραψε:
> O/H Jimmy Angelakos έγραψε:
>> Giannis Tsakiris wrote:
>>> βοηθάτε παιδιά να το λύσουμε το πρόβλημα, γιατί είναι κρίμα... έχω
>>> υπολογιστή, και υπολογιστή δεν έχω...
>> Αν απενεργοποιήσεις τα desktop effects, σου κάνει τα ίδια;
>> Λέω, μήπως είναι μπάγκ του compiz...
>> Μήτσος
> Δεν ξέρω ρε παιδιά μήπως αυτό βοηθάει;
> Note: setting memoryLimit=0 in ~/.xscreensaver
> From: /usr/share/doc/xscreensaver-gl/README.gl
> "If you are having problems with running the GL screenhacs from
> xscreensaver,
> but not from a window, please see
> <http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html#gl-mem>, especially if you
> are using nVIdia's GL implementation. This has appeared as a SIGSEGV
> crash and as a failutre to allocate GL context. In particular:
> 1.I upgraded to 3.33, and xscreensaver won't run GL hacks any more (or
> they run slowly), but they work fine from the command line.
> Try editing your .xscreensaver file and changing the memoryLimit
> setting to 0. Version 3.33 introduced the memoryLimit option as a
> precautionary limit to prevent runaway memory use if one of the
> display modes happened to be buggy; it prevents any program launched
> by xscreensaver from allocating more than that much memory. It
> defaults to 50M, which is a lot. However, apparently certain OpenGL
> libraries (notably nVidia) do something strange that makes them appear
> to allocate more than 128M of memory for every OpenGL program!
> Consequently, those programs die on startup because they aren't able
> to allocate memory. On some systems, memoryLimit doesn't cause the GL
> programs to crash, but instead, causes them to run slowly
> (non-accelerated.) Turning off the memory limit should work around
> this."
Installing Ubuntu's supported ATI driver fixes the problem.
Can verify that with the supported ATI driver installed,
xserver-xorg-d X.Org X server -- ATI display driver,
that matrixview and other rss-glx screensavers run much faster, not
quite as fast as fglrx with xscreensaver, but perfectly acceptable.
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