Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 question

Cody Smith cody.smith at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 22 00:52:06 UTC 2017

Not sure if this falls in the development list, or this one, as it's just a
question on plans (if it DOES fall on the development list, I'll re-ask it
there if someone even tells me it goes there, all that is needed for that
is info :D )

Anyway, the question is: is gnome 3.24 in the plans for 17.04? I can't find
a more recent roadmap than 16.10 for the life of me. I'd really like to see
if 3.24 really does support eglstreams, since Nvidia decided to use that
implementation for Wayland in the proprietary video drivers. I'm not
against using the gnome3-staging ppa if that's what it comes to, as that's
what I've done in the past.


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