Ubuntu Material Design

Michael Gratton mike at vee.net
Tue Aug 29 09:02:35 UTC 2017

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 7:55 PM, snydox <eric at snydox.com> wrote:
> What do you guys think?

I was actually thinking the other day that maybe Ubuntu GNOME should 
stick around in the exact same role that it is today. Artful will be 
shipping a version of GNOME3 with a bunch of customisations to ease the 
transition from Unity, and so there will still be a need for someone to 
provide a stock GNOME3 experience on Ubuntu, which is precisely what 
Ubuntu GNOME has been doing.

I'm not saying your suggestions don't have any merit, but I personally 
would like to retain a stock GNOME3 environnent since it is both 
visually appealing and the workflow works really well, for me, anyway.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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