Encrypting with Evolution *Off Topic*

Leo Francisco lists at boywithwings.co.uk
Wed Sep 16 14:28:08 UTC 2015

Yeh, I can imagine that could be so frustrating. Is there no official PPA?

Obviously Thunderbird is always kept up to date and I've just become
super used to it. I just always like to keep an eye on the GNOME apps
for the integration.

On 15/09/15 16:23, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-09-15 at 14:06 +0100, Leo Francisco wrote:
>> Is anyone out there in our community actually using Evolution as their
>> main email client? I cannot get it to work well for me any which way I
>> try.
> Yes, I use it as my one and only email client for home and work and I
> have for over 10 years, since I was forced to drop Emacs VM when my
> company at the time switched to Exchange for email (luckily I've since
> moved on from there and don't need to mess with Exchange anymore, but I
> didn't switch back).
> The biggest problem with Evolution in Ubuntu GNOME is that the version
> provided by Ubuntu is always at least one and sometimes more major
> releases behind the current version.  This means we don't get fixes or
> enhancements anymore and reporting bugs to the Evolution team is
> difficult since we can't test the latest version.  In fact some people
> on the Evo mailing lists are at least subtly dismissive of anyone using
> Ubuntu since we almost always have old buggy versions.
> I used to build Evolution myself but since I don't need Exchange support
> Evo is mostly "good enough" for me and I just live with the annoying
> things that I know are already fixed in the next version... building Evo
> from scratch is not for the faint of heart IME.

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