Website request: include an easy-to-get-to link to downloads

Steve Lorimer steve.lorimer at
Mon Nov 16 21:17:16 UTC 2015

Hi Ali.

The way I explained how to download Ubuntu Gnome wasn't an attempt to help
people find the download link. It was a step-by-step run down of the
process I had to go through in order to find the link as a newcomer to the
distro and the website.

In doing do, I was attempting to illustrate just how difficult and
convoluted the hoops are one has to go through in order to download it.

IMHO I don't think making the download link difficult to find will make
people any more or less likely to read the release notes. If people are too
lazy to read the release notes then they're not going to read them,
regardless of how hard it is to find the download link.

The pages you linked to ( and both
prominently implore people to read the release notes.

Would it not be reasonable to have a Download page with nothing other than
the above 2 links on them?

On 16 November 2015 at 01:31, Ali/amjjawad <amjjawad at> wrote:

> Hello Steve and everyone else,
> My apology for the delay but I don't login here when it's the weekends. I
> take 2 days off from everything hoping to recharge and think clearly to
> solve my problems during the week and working at home, etc etc. So Sat and
> Sun are my off days :)
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:43 AM, Steve Lorimer <steve.lorimer at>
> wrote:
>> IMHO, I think it is frustratingly difficult to download Ubuntu Gnome.
> Appreciate your feedback :)
>> Here is how you currently download:
>> Google Ubuntu Gnome
>> This leads to
>> Read the page until you see: *The latest stable release is Ubuntu GNOME
>> 15.10.*
>> This leads to a blog post:
>> Read until you see: *Get Ubuntu GNOME 15.10. *Click on *Download Ubuntu
>> GNOME 15.10*
>> This takes you to:
>> Read until you find *Please use the torrent link to download. *Click on
>> that link.
>> This takes you to
>> Read until you find *Ubuntu bittorrent files can be found at
>> <>. *Click on
>> that link.
>> This takes you to
>> Find and click on the appropriate link: *Ubuntu GNOME*. Click on that
>> link.
>> This takes you to
>> Click *15.10*
>> This takes you to
>> Click *release*
>> This takes you to
>> Find the appropriate file: *ubuntu-gnome-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent*
>> Would it not be reasonable to have a link to the torrent directly on the
>> homepage?
>> Something like:
>> *Download latest version 15.10 via BitTorrent*
>> For reasons why bittorrent is best, and other ways to download if
>> required, *click here*.
>> HTH
>> Steve
> IMHO, the way you explained and described it is really hard for anyone.
> Allow me to make life much easier for you and the rest :)
> Let's start from zero:
>    1. Open your browser.
>    2. Type: and then press Enter.
>    3. Go to "Download" tab on the top of the page directly if you're
>    willing to download any version without reading anything else and find the
>    last link that says "Download Ubuntu GNOME" and by the way, the page is
>    short so no need to scroll down a lot to reach there anyway *- OR -*
>    simply go directly to:
> and I'd suggest
>    here to bookmark that very important page.
>    4. On the page, you
>    will find a tree-view links on the right side of the page. Click on the
>    version you wish to download and get.
>    5. Once you choose which version you need, you will go to the desired
>    page. There are 2 pages, one for the Non-LTS and the other for LTS
>    releases: and
> and that's
>    all.
> So, which scenario is easier now? ;)
>> --
>> Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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> Of course, there is a reason and a very valid one why I haven't made it a
> one-click download. Because people are too lazy to read the release notes
> and then, they rain our mailing list with tons of emails complaining ;)
> If you want me to make it one-button download links then please, do find
> some extra hands to help us here!
> Otherwise, it is usually one 3-5 people are active and the rest are? no
> idea ...
> Hope that helps?
> --
> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> Best Regards,
> Ali/amjjawad <>
> * <>* - - Ubuntu
> GNOME <>
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