Website request: include an easy-to-get-to link to downloads

Andrés Muñiz Piniella a75576 at
Fri Nov 13 01:08:27 UTC 2015

I thought this was only for the LTS release. But I seem to recall taking less steps. So, +1, but also prompt to releasenotes and checksums.

El 12 de noviembre de 2015 14:43:49 GMT+00:00, Steve Lorimer <steve.lorimer at> escribió:
>IMHO, I think it is frustratingly difficult to download Ubuntu Gnome.
>Here is how you currently download:
>Google Ubuntu Gnome
>This leads to
>Read the page until you see: *The latest stable release is Ubuntu GNOME
>This leads to a blog post:
>Read until you see: *Get Ubuntu GNOME 15.10. *Click on *Download Ubuntu
>GNOME 15.10*
>This takes you to:
>Read until you find *Please use the torrent link to download. *Click on
>that link.
>This takes you to
>Read until you find *Ubuntu bittorrent files can be found at
> <>. *Click on
>This takes you to
>Find and click on the appropriate link: *Ubuntu GNOME*. Click on that
>This takes you to
>Click *15.10*
>This takes you to
>Click *release*
>This takes you to
>Find the appropriate file:
>Would it not be reasonable to have a link to the torrent directly on
>Something like:
>*Download latest version 15.10 via BitTorrent*
>For reasons why bittorrent is best, and other ways to download if
>required, *click

Richmond Makerlabs
Ham United Group

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