Feedback Time

Andrés Muñiz Piniella a75576 at
Thu Jun 25 12:35:17 UTC 2015

>> I repeat:
>> I'm not friend/customer/user of Google.
>That is your choice and I respect it but I am really sorry, I have no
>to waste on finding other alternatives at the moment. Maybe with the
>survey ;)
>Beside, you're the only one who is complaining :)
>44 responses so far :)

Hi, I am one of the respondants and did not complain since it is your free time and I understand Google is the easiest solution. But would rather not use it, even though I am still relying on it I am trying to drop off my dependance on Google services. 
Thank you for your offer to look for alternatives next year.
Thank you for your work on the survey and everything else.

Ham United Group
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