>> I repeat:<br>
>> I'm not friend/customer/user of Google.<br>
>That is your choice and I respect it but I am really sorry, I have no<br>
>to waste on finding other alternatives at the moment. Maybe with the<br>
>survey ;)<br>
>Beside, you're the only one who is complaining :)<br>
>44 responses so far :)<br>
Hi, I am one of the respondants and did not complain since it is your free time and I understand Google is the easiest solution. But would rather not use it, even though I am still relying on it I am trying to drop off my dependance on Google services. <br>
Thank you for your offer to look for alternatives next year.<br>
Thank you for your work on the survey and everything else.<br>
-- <br>
<a href="http://Richmond.ml">Richmond.ml</a><br>
Ham United Group