App indicators in Ubuntu Gnome 15.10

Sanjay Chakravarty sanjayc2911 at
Wed Dec 9 02:36:38 UTC 2015

Dear All,

I have been using Ubuntu GNOME for several months back, and have been 
very satisfied with the performance and usability. I started with 15.04, 
so I was very excited to upgrade to 15.10. The 15.10 seems faster on my 
Dell laptop than 15.04, and everything is generally fine.

I have a little problem with the app indicators. I had installed 
libappindicator1 in 15.04, and it took all my icons from the system tray 
to the top bar. With 15.10, libappindicator1 seems unsupported. Instead, 
I have to work with a hidden panel in the bottom left, which comes out 
when I click on the arrow at its head. It is just too many clicks. Also 
psensor does not seem properly supported. I do not get the quick glance 
dropdown on clicking psensor icon, and have to get data from the graph.

Is there any way I can get the icons to the top bar? I tried TopIcons 
GNOME extension, but all the icons do not come to the top, as the icon 
to icon distance is too high. So any other alternatives?

Warm Regards

Warm Regards

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