[Planning - Email #3] Changes to the structure of Ubuntu GNOME sub-teams

Ali/amjjawad amjjawad at gnome.org
Tue Aug 4 04:25:12 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

This is the 3rd email that is a part of the planning phase/stage for Ubuntu
GNOME Wily Werewolf (15.10) Cycle.

   - The 1st email:
   - The 2nd email:

I'll try to make this as clear as possible and at the same time, as short
as possible. No need, IMHO, to dig into more details unless we really have

First of all, I am sure, at least for those who have been around for 2
years or so, you know/remember how the idea of the sub-teams has come and
how we did it, etc etc. You may also know that, despite I have found 2
drivers/team leaders for 2 sub-teams, I am still in charge of these
sub-teams which means a huge burden and an overkill that was one of the
reasons which made me a pure dying zombie. And, I am sure you know that as
a community lead, I do tons of analysis, observations, etc. Even though I
am not active (publishing, sending, posting, replying, etc) but I am
watching :) my physical actions aren't visible but I set my mind to be
connected to this project, even though I am away and yes, I can do that :)

To make it short (I know I already mentioned that above), here is my plan
for 15.10 cycle. Let's see if that will help us to move forward in better

Ubuntu GNOME has these sub-teams:

   1. Human Resources
   2. Packaging <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/SubTeams#Packaging>
   3. Brainstorming
   4. Testing and Reporting Bugs
   5. Documentation
   6. Marketing and Communications
   7. Artwork & Design
   8. Translations
   9. Developing and Coding

*My Plan:*

*A- Human Resources Sub-Team*

   - Although we're probably the first project that have a dedicated
   team/sub-team for HR (Human Resources) [1] , we have never used it as a
   sub-team. ALL the recruiting efforts - correct me if I am wrong, please -
   were done by myself, only, AFAIK and IIRC :)
   - Because of the great importance of sub-team, I have come up with
   better idea. I am not going to cancel/drop that sub-team, in fact, I need
   to send a new email that will explain how powerful this idea will become.
   So please, give me sometime until I finish that new email :)
   - I want to re-name this sub-team to: *Human Development*. I am now
   having more skills of how to take someone from zero and convert him/her to
   a hero. It's years of practise and beyond. I have many successful examples
   and I became more experienced with these skills. This will be a dedicated
   area for newcomers to Ubuntu GNOME or those who feel they're useless or
   less helpful. That would be a free service my project Kibo [2] will offer
   for now. I'll be the one who will take care of those. For this cycle, I am
   ready to take between 5-8 people under my wing. Help them and empower them.
   Don't want to get more into details here but imagine a newcomer who would
   become a leader/driver for a sub-team in almost no time? what could be more
   amazing than that? ;)
   - The new sub-team (Human Development) will help us to move to Community
   Version 2.0 and 3.0 - I will send another email about this soon, hopefully.
   - *Summary*: Rename Ubuntu GNOME HR sub-team to Ubuntu GNOME HD (Human
   Development) sub-team.

*B- Packaging Sub-Team*

   - I remember once I was chatting with Tim and he suggested, IIRC during
   the previous cycle, to merge the packaging team with the developers team.
   - While this is not my area, I'd find this very reasonable at the
   moment. Due to the fact that our manpower is very limited, I see no reason
   nor any benefits to have 2 different sub-teams while we have no people to
   maintain all that nor we do have, on the first place, enough contributors
   to begin with.
   - We can always re-add that if we need it. I see we have to drop/merge
   these two for this cycle.

*C- Brainstorming Sub-Team*

   - Initially, I wanted to empower the community by turning it to a place
   where people do share ideas to reach the finest possible level and do
   convert these ideas to reality. Sadly, it never happened the way I wanted.
   - Also, I wanted a dedicated team to think about the next release/cycle
   of Ubuntu GNOME, that is UG+2 while we are working on UG+1. That never
   happened at all. I wanted the community to have dedicated people for
   example to think and plan for XX cycle while the rest are working on WW
   - Due to the fact that we, at the moment, as a community are discussing,
   it means the entire team is doing the brainstorming process so I see no
   reason to keep it.
   - In short, I want to drop that sub-team for this cycle and we can
   always re-add it again once we have ready people for it. We're not yet
   ready, not even close.

*D- QA Sub-Team*

   - Remains as it is because it is one of the most important sub-team so
   don't worry, no one is allowed to touch it :P

*E- Documentation Sub-Team*

   - Ditto as in D.

*F- Marketing Sub-Team*

   - Ditto as in D and E.

*G- Artwork Sub-Team*

   - Ditto as in D, E and F.

*H- Translations Sub-Team*

   - We don't have a sub-team, this is a group of people and they're part
   of F, the marketing sub-team.
   - As per the users' feedback, people care less about that but for us to
   reach to more people around the world, I find it very important so this
   part will remain the same and people who do the translations are actually
   part of the marketing sub-team.
   - In short, nothing will be changed here. All remain the same.

*Ubuntu GNOME sub-teams version 2.0*
The final list will be:

   1. Human Development (*new*)
   2. Developing and Coding (*merging packaging sub-team with it*)
   3. Testing and Reporting Bugs
   4. Documentation
   5. Marketing and Communications (*translations is part of marketing*)
   6. Artwork & Design

*Obviously, maintaining and managing 6 sub-teams is much more easier than 9
sub-teams :)*

That's all for this email (#3) and I need, as promised, to explain how the
new implementation of Human Resources will be.

Also, another email for Ubuntu GNOME Community version 2.0 which I have
high doubt we could finish it but I am very sure we can at least start with
it if these plans/suggestions will be accepted by the community.

Remember though, I am the lead of this community and the majority of the
sub-teams are under my direct supervision so this email is actually part of
my vision/plan for 15.10 when it comes to my sub-teams.

I am open to any discussion but keep in mind, we have only until the
weekend so please, don't forget that.

Thank you!

[1] - http://ubuntugnome.org/hr-sub-team/
[2] - http://kibo.computer/

Sorry if there are some typos or other errors!

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>

*http://kibo.computer <http://kibo.computer>* - http://torios.net - Ubuntu
GNOME <http://ubuntugnome.org/>
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