Question regarding the upgrade to 14.04.3

Erick Brunzell lbsolost at
Mon Aug 3 14:29:52 UTC 2015

On 08/03/2015 07:34 AM, Patrik Bubák wrote:
> Hi lads,
> I'm not exactly sure how should I proceed if I'm on 14.04.2 and want 
> to upgrade to .3. Will the update be available via the update manager, 
> or is it recommended to rather do a quick re-install of /?

No need to reinstall, that would rather defeat the purpose of an LTS 
wouldn't it? Trusty automatically moves from 14.04 to 14.04.1 to 14.04.2 
to 14.04.3, etc, etc .........

Trusty will however remain on the kernel series and matching X-stack 
version that were provided with the specific installation media until 
the HWE stacks provided with 14.04.2, 14.04.3, and 14.04.4 reach EOL 
some time in August 2017 at which point the update-manager will begin to 
warn that the user is approaching HWE EOL and it will offer the upgrade 
to the 14.04.5 HWE stack.

If a user installed using either the 14.04 or 14.04.1 media they'll 
remain on the OE HWE (3.13 series kernel) and not have to deal with HWE 
EOL at all. One reason we didn't go out of our way recommending that 
most users install using 14.04.1 media is that until 14.04.2 ubiquity 
had a very nasty bug that frequently resulted in data loss during 


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