Greek translations

Buntugnomeknilch linuxgnomebuntuknilch at
Fri Nov 7 06:14:26 UTC 2014

Am Freitag, den 07.11.2014, 01:55 +0200 schrieb Efstathios Iosifidis:


> Hello team,
> I saw that there were translations in German language, I started
> myself to translate the base of wiki pages in Greek. I made a small
> list of the pages in Greek:
> I have help from eliasps.
> I guess we'll finish them during weekend.
> Ali, please point us if there something we're missing.
> We add our language link to every page we translate and also add the
> english one to ours, just in case someone is confused by our
> translations :-)
> Have phun,
> Stathis
> -- 
> Great leaders don't tell you what to do...They show you how it's done.
> Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts...absolutely.

great, very great job … :-)

Many greetings to greece … *thumbs up*

Hier werkelt:
UbuntuGNOME 14.04. & GNOME-Shell 3.12

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