HTML5 Ubuntu GNOME Simulator

Keith I Myers keithiokepamyers at
Thu Dec 18 03:29:14 UTC 2014

Edit : Here is a video of the bootloader/plymouth -

Ignore the old branding on the GDM screen, I am still playing around with
the layouts

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Keith I Myers <keithiokepamyers at>
> Hello All,
> I just wanted to give a small update. I have not been able to work on this
> much this week as I am currently doing a bit of re-modeling of the house
> and much of the furniture is crammed into one room while I finish. I will
> hopefully be able to put my bedroom/office area back together tomorrow or
> Friday.
> Prior to gutting my house, I managed to make the following updates to the
> Ubuntu Gnome Simulator on my local development box. I have not pushed it to
> my website yet.
>    - Removed the need for PHP, everything is now done completely with
>    HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript. This was a huge learning experience for me as I
>    can honestly say that web design is not a skill I claim to have. I am quite
>    skilled in PHP however I wanted to go pure client side scripting for this.
>    - I have created a basic bootloader (in JavaScript) to take several
>    startup parameters for the Operating System Simulator including Language
>    and even distribution. Currently Ubuntu Gnome is the default but who is to
>    say that other operating systems
>    - I have created a javascript implementation of Plymouth to show what
>    the splash screen will look like.
>    - The Simulation can now support multiple languages by creating a
>    "Strings" file with all of the translated text. The mock bootloader will
>    try to detect the users address and select the correct strings file if
>    known.
> Once I create the GDM (login page) simulation, I will update the main
> version so you can play with it.
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Bruce Pieterse <dev at> wrote:
>>  On 12/12/2014 06:16 AM, Keith I Myers wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>  Although this is a bit of a pet project of mine, I am working hard to
>> extend some of the features to make it as close to the real thing as
>> possible. I do plan to release it under the GPL so anyone can fork it/do
>> what they wish with the code once it is a bit more polished.
>>  I am also trying to make it (almost) completely functional. Firefox and
>> LibreOffice Writer will both allow users to interact with the simulation by
>> letting them type in website addresses and enter rich text. I am also going
>> to be make a mock up of the terminal and Ubuntu Software center to replace
>> the screenshots that are currently being displayed.
>>  So far, It is surprisingly well though out and has the following
>> features:
>>    - Support for multiple translations by passing a "lang=XX" flag to
>>    the simulator. I am going to create a simulation of the GDM login screen to
>>    allow users to select the language in the next update. ALL of the text
>>    strings are stored in their own individual index to allow for easy
>>    translations in the future.
>>    - I am working on a way to quickly add more applications to the dock
>>    which may be useful for third party developers to add their own application
>>    simulations to their own instances.
>>    - It works on most mobile browsers including Chrome for Android and
>>    Safari for iOS
>> I am currently working on
>>    - Creating a port of the GTK+ visual elements to CSS/HTML5 to allow
>>    me to easily create new application simulations.
>>    - Adding a way to have multiple open applications by launching
>>    everything in its own floating window
>>    - Adding the full application list to the Gnome Launcher so the user
>>    can browse all of the icons.
>>    - Making the user menu respond
>>    - Gnome Shell Search on the Activities Menu
>>    - Making it so when the user clicks on the clock, they get the proper
>>    day view
>>    - Support for smaller screens. 1080p is the current minimum it will
>>    work with properly without needing to zoom in. The mock GDM login page will
>>    be responsible for setting the correct values for the end user
>>    - I want to create basic mockups of the applications below. Each will
>>    have its own script that is displayed by the assistant so it is like a
>>    guided tour.
>>       - Firefox
>>       - LibreOffice Writer
>>       - LibreOffice Calc
>>       - Ubuntu Software Center
>>       - Gnome Control Panel
>>       - Gedit
>>       - The Ubuntu Gnome Installation Process
>>       - Mines
>>       - Nautilus
>>       - Empathy
>>    - Creating a "Welcome" app that launches on first run to introduce
>>    the users to the features in a carousel style. This is essentially the
>>    "About" application found on existing Gnome Systems but will be designed to
>>    be a bit more welcoming.
>> As the entire platform will be released as Open Source, you guys can
>> easily adopt it for other linux distributions and desktop interfaces. This
>> will be useful to any of you that manage other distros as well.
>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Ali/amjjawad <amjjawad at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Keith I Myers <
>>> keithiokepamyers at> wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>  Hello :D
>>>>  I had issues sleeping last night so I had to do what every reasonable
>>>> geek would do, build something.
>>>>  I created a very basic Ubuntu GNOME Simulator that runs inside your
>>>> web browser. It is VERY rough around the edges right now but it may have
>>>> some potential when it comes to showing users what Ubuntu GNOME feels like
>>>> before they install.
>>>>  You can access the partially functional demo with the link below. The
>>>> site is best viewed on Firefox or Chrome and on a high res screen if
>>>> possible.
>>>>  So far, all you can really do is launch the activities menu and
>>>> select the Ubuntu Software Center and A terminal. I tried to simulate the
>>>> feel of Gnome Shell as much as possible, the escape key exits the main
>>>> launcher.
>>>>  I also coded a simple guide to help potential users navigate the
>>>> system
>>>>  Thoughts?
>>>> --
>>>  Okay, I'm really speechless. This is SUPER HELPFUL if we could make it
>>> even better and I think this is the kind of tour that Tim was wanted to
>>> have on our home page. I just can't express myself here but this is amazing
>>> :D I loved the idea, thank you so much!
>>>>   [image: --]
>>>> Keith I Myers
>>>> [image: http://]
>>>> +Keith I Myers <>
>>>>  Mobile : (305)-929-3475
>>>> --
>>>> Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>>>> Ubuntu-GNOME at
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>>>  I'm sure by time, we could make it even better. If we managed to
>>> simulate the main functions, that would be great!
>>> --
>>>     Best Regards,
>>>  Ali/amjjawad <>
>>>  *Remember: *"All of us are smarter than any one of us."
>>>  Ubuntu GNOME OneStopPage
>>> <>
>>> - StartUbuntu <>
>>> -
>>  --
>>   [image: --]
>> Keith I Myers
>> [image: http://]
>> +Keith I Myers <>
>>  Mobile : (305)-929-3475
>>  Hey Keith,
>> This is really cool. This might inspire you a bit more:
>> --
>> All the best,
>> Bruce
>> FSF Member 10674 / The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom / Join the Free Software Foundation:
>> --
>> Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>> Ubuntu-GNOME at
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> --
> [image: --]
> Keith I Myers
> [image: http://]
> +Keith I Myers <>
> Mobile : (305)-929-3475


[image: --]
Keith I Myers
[image: http://]
+Keith I Myers <>
Mobile : (305)-929-3475
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