My Ultimate Goal

Ali/amjjawad amjjawad at
Sun Dec 14 04:24:05 UTC 2014


I know it is the weekend and I must be having fun away from keyboard but
thought to do some pending stuff and login.

Since Ubuntu GNOME is mentioned, it is not really off-topic but it is very
much related to Ubuntu GNOME (and other projects).

That link will make things a bit clear of what I have in mind for Ubuntu

Again, Ultimate means the best but later, not now. We can't reach there
unless we spend time, energy and efforts and above all, it is a matter of
do we need/want that or not? and in short, we are not yet ready but very
much working hard on it.


I'll be AFK (Away From Keyboard) for the rest of the day.

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <>
*Remember: *"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

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