Ubuntu GNOME Bug - Update

Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Mon Aug 25 11:53:29 UTC 2014

On 25/08/14 02:25, Nathan Russell wrote:
> I'd like to first raise awareness of every piece of evidence or relevant data I'm aware of regarding the bug.
> 1) The Ubuntu Forum thread I first submitted to try and gain information on the validity of the bug:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2240710
> 2) The bug I subscribed to and heavily edited, to address the technical causes and effects of the bug, to the best of my ability:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/1310322
> I'd now like to mention my thoughts on the true severity of this problem; due to the very nature of the bug itself, it is likely to manifest
> itself automatically (regardless of differences between one computer and another) in every single installation of Ubuntu GNOME present,
> future, and (dependant on the usage of GTK+ header bars) past.
This would be a bug in either Gtk+ or the theme. I assume you are using Adwaita? (the default theme) I can't reproduce here but I am running
Utopic now...
> The practically infinite spread of Bug #1310322, in my opinion, gives it heat enough to be tackled as soon as practically plausible.
> I apologise I can't offer any useful technical advise on this bug, but I do hope this effort will eventually lead to the bugs fix.

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