[FEEDBACK] Rating Ubuntu GNOME 13.10

Selwyn Orren selwyn at linuxweb.co.za
Tue Oct 22 13:47:06 UTC 2013

I would have to give it a 9, its fast in pretty it works so well, its
stable. Only issue when i boot up I get about 12 apport system error popups.

Love it, thanks for all the hard work guys. Its really fantastic!!!

Take Care

Selwyn Orren | +27 72 270 9321 | +27 86 218 6897 | skype: selwynorren |
http://www.linuxweb.co.za | selwyn at linuxweb.co.za |

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 3:00 PM, William <wjckc79 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  The only major problem I have is with suspending the machine. When I wake
> it up, the suspend screen shows the time when I put in into suspend and the
> computer is locked up to the point I have to hit the power button.
> It's annoying enough that I personally have to knock it down to an 8, but
> I have noticed that not everyone has this suspend problem and Ubuntu GNOME
> is otherwise all around fantastic work and a distro I do recommend. It's
> nice to be able to change kernel and driver combinations without worrying
> about blowing up the system. IMHO Ubuntu GNOME is one of the top two or
> three distros out right not. For the record my favourite is elementary OS,
> despite being based on 12.04.
> On 10/22/2013 07:42 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> Hi,
> Ubuntu GNOME  13.10 has been released and no doubt you have upgraded or
> installed it and started already to use it :)
> *From 1-10*, Please *Rate* Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 as per your own experience
> by replying this Email with your rate :)
> Thank you for choosing and using Ubuntu GNOME :)
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