Weird crash in 3.8 from the PPA

Jayson Rowe jayson.rowe at
Tue May 7 02:17:20 UTC 2013

Not sure if I should file bugs on the packages in the PPA, or if this is
possibly an upstream issue, I did some searches but came up kinda cold
(could be not searching the right thing).

Basically what happens is one of two things.

Scenario 1:
GNOME logs in fine, and sits at the desktop. The first application I open
triggers a crash of Shell, and everything is hunky-dory after that.

Scenario 2:
GNOME logs in fine, when I open applications I notice that the "X" on my
window close button is black instead of white. If I restart shell (by using
alt+f2 and then r), everything is hunky-dory after that.

Is anyone else seeing this?

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