
George Farris farrisga at
Fri Mar 22 03:15:32 UTC 2013

Latest PPA and Stagings as of tonight.  13.04

I realize it's not quite baked yet but is searching going to change a
lot between now and release?

1) Contents of files don't seem to be indexed.

2) GNOME Documents (GD) gets in the way, for example when one finds a
ODT file, one generally wants to have Libreoffice run, instead GD runs,
please say this can be changed.

3) Removing Gnome Documents seems to remove searching of document style
files, ex: pdf, odt etc.

I haven't even tried music and photos but at this point Unity is WAY
ahead of GNOME 3.8 in this regard.

I really hope it changes.  Can anyone shed any light or describe how to
nuke GD and wind up with proper searching of documents and opening with
the correct app?

GNOME 3.8 looks really good but the search being a central item is
really a killer the way it is.


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