Ubuntu GNOME daily images now available!

Matthew Butler butler.matthew at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 19:07:54 UTC 2013

We are pleased to announce the availability of official daily images
for Ubuntu GNOME!

Builds can be downloaded from:

Currently we have 32-bit and 64-bit images available for download and
testing. We do not plan to release PowerPC or "amd64+mac" images
unless a group of volunteers commits to test these images for each of
the Ubuntu release milestones we participate in. The next release
milestone for us is Ubuntu 13.04 Final Beta on 28 March.

Please download images, play with them, use them, and report bugs!

As always we are on the lookout for new contributors. There are plenty
of tasks beyond coding and packaging that we could use help with! If
you would like to get involved in the Ubuntu GNOME community, need
support or have bugs to report, we can be found at:

Mailing List: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
IRC: #ubuntu-gnome channel on the freenode network.
Website: Coming Soon...

On behalf of the Ubuntu GNOME community,
  Matthew Butler
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