update of this site

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 13:07:41 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Lisufas Buntukiste <
linuxgnomebuntufan at online.de> wrote:

> Hey,
> is it possible that someone updated this project page:
> It is there still display the alpha1 of Ubuntu Gnome is available, the
> status is now already at alpha2
> thanks for doing!
> Hier werkelt
> Ubuntu 12.04 + GNOME 3.4
> ^-^
> °|°


While this is not the first time, I notice it is happening often. The
Mailing List is not delivering some emails on the time + there could be a
problem with the Archive as well.

Indeed, the website needs LOTS of updates, IMHO.

Whoever in charge of the website, may he/she speak to me, please?
I do have some ideas in mind and I'd love to see them on the website as an
Ubuntu GNOME user, not as a team member :)

Many thanks for highlighting the issue :)

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