[Testing] I cannot install the amd64 version of 13.10

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 18:14:33 UTC 2013

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Efstathios Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) <
iefstathios at gmail.com> wrote:

> Στις 26/08/2013 09:00 μμ, ο/η Ali Linx (amjjawad) έγραψε:
>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Efstathios Iosifidis <
>> iefstathios at gmail.com <mailto:iefstathios at gmail.com>**> wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>     I did that,
>> So, MD5SUM is correct? good :)
>>     I downloaded again and create another new liveUSB.
>> What application you used to create the LiveUSB?
> First I used the multiboot thing (have many distros on a USB).
> The second time I used terminal and dd.

Sadly, I don't have a test machine with enough RAM to test Ubuntu GNOME,
that is why I must use the Virtual ones :(
My two test machines are 512MB RAM each :/

> I haven't yet played with the 64bit version :(
>> the 32bit version is good so far.
>> Can you try the 32bit version?
>> It appears that the slideshow is crashed.
>>  I'll download the 32bit in a few mins and I'll be back.

Take your time :)

Thank you so much for testing :)

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