Ubuntu GNOME 13.04

Erick Brunzell lbsolost at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 26 15:28:32 UTC 2013

On 04/25/2013 09:08 AM, Matthew Butler wrote:
> The Ubuntu GNOME team is proud to announce our first release as an
> official Ubuntu Derivative: Ubuntu GNOME 13.04.
I just wanted to thank everyone involved for making this happen. I know
many of you poured many hours of hard work into making this a reality
and I think it's been well worth the effort.

Sorry I made a couple of goofs during iso-testing but Lubuntu comes
first to me, so you got the worn out and tired version of me :^(

I see there have been some proposed changes to Ubuntu Forums and I hope
within the next week or so to get a "sticky" up regarding QA in general
at U+1, and I'll certainly mention the need for a QA lead for this project.

Many, many thanks again!


PS: I'm trying a new email client to hopefully improve my communication
skills so if this looks horrible please forgive me :^/

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