Seriously folks

George Farris farrisga at
Fri Apr 5 21:25:52 UTC 2013

There is now no "UP" button in Nautilus?  Seriously, WTF.

Try this as a normal user.

Connect to server  - OK right here things begin to break, Nautilus used
to ask what kind of connection now, who fing knows what kind of
connections it will handle or even what the syntax is.  Fail!

Now once connected try go back a folder,  yup you can't do it from the
GUI can you...? Fail!

Yes it can be done by Ctrl-L and then deleting the folder with the

Really what kind of crap is this.  Sorry to be so negative but Nautilus
used to be so functional and now..  If I didn't already know these key
strokes and the fact I can put sftp:// in from of the server I'd be

I used to give Linux computers to new users and they were pretty good
with them but this complete non-discover-ability and removable of the
most obvious of controls is just plain ridiculous.

I just put 13.04 on this morning and I'm seriously thinking of going
back to 12.10.


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