Evolution and Mapi

George Farris farrisga at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 16:46:45 UTC 2013

Greetings all,

Anyone who uses Evolution with Mapi and has problems after upgrading
from 12.10, as in the Exchange account disappears from Evolution, might
try this.

1) Stop Evolution
2) rm ~/.local/share/evolution/mapi-profiles.ldb
  or move it if you want to preserve the information inside it.
3) Start Evolution and configure a new Exchange Mapi account
 it may not show up when you are finished but thats ok (broken)
4) Log out and back in
5) You should now have your new account

Note that I also had my old account back so you may want to try just
remove the mapi-profiles.ldb file and logout.

I suspect this has to do with all the new On-Line account mess but not


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