Fwd: Offline Nightmonkey - Version 0.9
Pierre Slamich
pierre.slamich at gmail.com
Jeu 11 Avr 14:26:44 UTC 2013
Je viens de mettre à jour l'outil de recherche dans les DDTP, avec plein de
nouvelles fonctionnalités :-)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pierre Slamich <pierre.slamich at gmail.com>
Date: 2013/4/11
Subject: Offline Nightmonkey - Version 0.9
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hi all,
following feedback on the spreadsheet to search in the DDTP, I've turned it
into a tool.
It's a rather heavy file (17 MB for ODS, 30MB for XLS) called Offline
Nightmonkey, as a tribute to the original Nightmonkey (which is being
reworked to bypass the Launchpad timeout bug).
The new features are:
- added language selection (you select your language and the url are
customized on the fly)
- added data tabs for easy update (you copy paste a dump from poedit in the
hidden tabs and everything updates automagically)
- consolidated main, multiverse and universe
Due to weird corruption and performance issues, there's a LibreOffice copy
and Excel copy. Choose whichever is faster on your LibreOffice install.
If you're running into performance issues, you can copy values in the
Main-DDTP, Multiverse-DDTP and Universe-DDTP tabs.
Tip: you can either click on the individual links or use an extension to
mass open the links (eg.
Tip: To launch the po export for your language, you need to go to
Pierre Slamich
pierre.slamich at gmail.com
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