Fwd: High priority translation tasks for the global jam
Pierre Slamich
pierre.slamich at gmail.com
Ven 2 Mar 19:34:54 UTC 2012
Je transmets ce message pour rappeler que les choses s'accélèrent avant la
sortie de Precise, et pour relancer l'idée d'une réunion informelle un
samedi ou dimanche après-midi dans Paris pour les traducteurs franciliens.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielsen81 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:50 PM
Subject: High priority translation tasks for the global jam
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hallo translators
It is now almost time for the global jam and what better time to get a lot
of translation done. However, even at a jam, where we gather all the
volunteers, we often still cannot complete everything and it can sometimes
be difficult prioritize.
Therefore, a couple of the Ubuntu translation coordinators banged our heads
together to see if we could come up with a list of high priority or new and
interesting translation tasks.
We have gathered these below.
1) Finish up modules only missing a few strings:
One of the things that jams (where we might be gathered in the same
physical location) are really good for, is finishing a lot of small tasks.
Sitting right next to each other, cuts down the communications burden of
coordinating e.g. proofreading of lots of small tasks.
Therefore, one of the things that we recommend you use the jam for, is to
work on some of the modules that are missing less than say 20 string. You
can see a list of the modules for your language, sorted by untranslated
strings on Davids status page:
2) Work on the default and/or high visibility programs:
Some modules are more important to get translated than others. Either
because they are the default programs for popular tasks or because they are
used for crucial tasks by many users at least once. Below we have made a
(not complete and unordered) list of such programs. These are good
candidates for programs to work on first:
* Unity (including lenses)
* Unity indicators (named indicator-...)
* Software center
* Rhythmbox
* Empathy
* Gwibber-...
* Shotwell
* Nautilus
* Ubuntu One
* Ubiquity (including the slideshow)
New items in the Gnome Control Center:
* Deja-dup
* Activity Log Manager
3) Localizing doc images (screenshots)
This is not necessarily a high priority target, but rather something we
would like to point out to you is now a possibility.
We now have a workable system for localizing the images (screen shots) in
the Ubuntu docs. You can view all the images that needs to be translated
for your language and the originals on this webpage:
After making the localized screenshots, you can easily get them submitted
to the archive by:
1. Replying to this thread saying that you want to localize images for your
language. David will then add you to the Ubuntu One share where you can
save your localized images.
2. Following the instructions to do the actual localization:
3. Ensuring your localized images are there before the
NonLanguagePackTranslationDead**line on the 10th of April
We hope that this will give you a few ideas for stuff to get started on.
Happy translating :)
Regards the Ubuntu translations coordinators
ubuntu-translators mailing list
ubuntu-translators at lists.**ubuntu.com <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Pierre Slamich
pierre.slamich at gmail.com
(00 33) 6 02 13 14 57
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