Fwd: Launchpad 1.2.2: faster PPA builds, enhanced bug subscriptions and more karma!

Bruno Patri bruno.patri at gmail.com
Lun 25 Fév 12:34:44 UTC 2008


Je retransmet une partie du message de Matthew Revell sur la liste
launchpad-users, cette partie concerne les améliorations concernant
les traductions.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Revell <matthew.revell at canonical.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 6:19 PM
Subject: Launchpad 1.2.2: faster PPA builds, enhanced bug
subscriptions and more karma!
To: Launchpad users <launchpad-users at lists.canonical.com>



  * It's now easier to browse someone's translations, which
   is useful if you're evaluating their work. Currently you
   can visit their translations overview page and see a list
   of all the applications and distribution packages they've
   helped translate. Clicking on an application and package
   name now reveals the full list of strings they've
   contributed. Previously this would display the list of
   other translators for that application. Take a look at
   https://translations.launchpad.net/people/+me to try it
   out if you're an active translator.
   (Blueprint easy-translator-evaluation-view)

  * Launchpad supports up to four plural forms in each
   language. We are working to extend that to six but, in
   the meantime, Launchpad will email you an error message
   to explain the problem if it occurs.
   (Bugs 181707 and 189880)

  * You will now get more helpful error messages if a
   translation file import fails. (Bug 35430)

  * You can now use PO files that have escaped newlines.
   (Bug 185841)

  * In languages with multiple plural forms, omitting one or
   more forms from a translation previously caused an error.
   We've now fixed this. (Bug 186548)

  * We fixed a bug where a translation's last contributor
   (the "Last-Translator" field) was not updated when the
   translation changed. (Bug 190145)

  * Searching for the name of a language at
   https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages is now case
   insensitive. You can also search using parts of a language
   name. For example: searching for "pani" will return
   "Spanish". (Bug 127901)

  * Searching translations will now also search for parts of
   words. For example: search for "download" and you'll also
   receive results for "downloading", "downloadable", etc.

 Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
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