[Ubuntu For All] Ubuntu Youth meeting Missed

Hakim Sheriff hakimsheriff at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 17:35:07 UTC 2011

Hi All,

I was just in the Ubuntu Youth meeting and what happened is only 3 people
showed up none of them council members, then after 20 minutes 1
council member showed up but he didn't know what to do, but we started the
meeting anyway and after the first topic we did a vote on rescheduling it
due to only 3 people showing up and 1 council member who
obviously didn't know what to do.

This is the full meeting copied and pasted from my IRC Client:

MichealH> Uhhh
<MichealH> AndrewMC: ping?
<skfin> Not starting well
<MichealH> :/
* exalt has quit (Quit: Ik ga weg)
<skfin> Nobody responding at -council
* hakimsheriff_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
* MichealH boos :P
* hakimsheriff_ (~hakimsher at modemcable098.122-130-66.mc.videotron.ca) has
joined #ubuntu-meeting
* dutchie has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
<skfin> Yea. indeed
<MichealH> I have a right to, They planned the nmeeting then do not show up
<skfin> :D
* kvarley (~kevin at unaffiliated/kvarley) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
<MichealH> Yet, this is last minute me coming and I make it :D
<skfin> kvarley: Thanks for appearing :)
* hajour (~hajour at D978475F.cm-3-1b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) has joined
* dutchie (~josh at stu0421.keble.ox.ac.uk) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
* dutchie has quit (Changing host)
* dutchie (~josh at pdpc/supporter/student/dutchie) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
* hakimsheriff_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<kvarley> skfin: Thanks for the mention in the council, it notified me at
least, sorry I'm late!
<skfin> Yea, no problem
<MichealH> kWe are waithing for AndrewMC or Zaxh
<MichealH> *Zach
<skfin> MichealH: I pinged them too
<MichealH> They have like 1000 pings now
<skfin> :D
<skfin> Well, thats their problem, they planned this meeting to be held
right now and they are not here
* mpoirier (~quassel at S0106002369de4dac.cg.shawcable.net) has joined
<hakimsheriff> A team just started yesterday: Ubuntu-For-All, one of its
goals is to make sure teams dont skip meetings, This team is on the list of
teams to be followed
<skfin> Haha.
<skfin> They are solving a problem of skipped team meetings by creating an
another team?
<MichealH> That is lame, but good :P
<hakimsheriff> thats just one of the things we will do
<MichealH> <popey> 14:17:33 <+zkriesse> NOTICE --- MEETING WILL BE ON
charge until he returns..sick he is...so
<MichealH> <popey> 14:17:41 <+zkriesse> THAT IS ALL
<MichealH> <popey> 14:18:04 <+zkriesse> Any pings to this user will result
in a NULL value...he is asleep...automated message
<MichealH> <MichealH> Daniel0108: ping :P
<hakimsheriff> many other things too
<skfin> Okay.
<hakimsheriff> so i uess +zkriesse isnt coming
<popey> 17:12:12 < skfin> They are solving a problem of skipped team
meetings by creating an another team?
<popey> no
<skfin> Its not our fault that there are no anyone to keep the chair
<popey> anyone else in the team can step up and take the chair, assuming you
have an agenda?
<MichealH> Everyone on -council is asleep i guess
<skfin> kvarley: ?
* Tallken (Tallken at unaffiliated/tallken) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
<skfin> MichealH: Yea, I pinged them, anyone exept kvarley
<MichealH> kvarley: Save our bacon!
<kvarley> I'm here
<hakimsheriff> finnaly!!!
<hakimsheriff> someone shows up!!!
<MichealH> kvarley: If you cannot thake the meeting I will
<MichealH> *take
<skfin> MichealH: You are not a member of council?
<MichealH> <popey> anyone else in the team can step up and take the chair,
assuming you have an agenda?
<kvarley> !meeting
<ubottu> Team meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs
» for transcripts.
<MichealH> kvarley: I know how to drive the wild MootBot, shall I do so?
<kvarley> If you are present for this meeting please make your presence
know. "0/" will do fine.
<hakimsheriff> O/
<skfin> o/
<MichealH> kvarley: Okay, i shall drive the bot
<MichealH> kvarley: We need it logged
<MichealH> kvarley: +1?
<kvarley> MichealH are you on the council?
<MichealH> Or shall I give you a crash course? :P
<MichealH> kvarley: Nope...
<skfin> +1 for crash course
<kvarley> MichealH - PM'ed
<kvarley> #startmeeting
<MootBot> Meeting started at 11:20. The chair is kvarley.
<MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK],
<kvarley> #TOPIC Welcoming message
<MichealH> [LINK]
<MootBot> LINK received:
<MichealH> kvarley:use [Topic]
<kvarley> [TOPIC] Welcoming message
<MootBot> New Topic:  Welcoming message
* MichealH likes this crash-course :P
<kvarley> Welcome, all to the meeting
<kvarley> The pre-arranged chairs/leaders of this meeting aren't here at
this given time so I am trying to fill their place.
<kvarley> [TOPIC] Topic 1 - Project(s) Status & Completion Dates
<MootBot> New Topic:  Topic 1 - Project(s) Status & Completion Dates
<skfin> Welll...
<skfin> I could talk about the planet
<kvarley> Request A Status Update From Current Mentors.
<skfin> Okay, does this make any sense? There are three people attending, we
have a chair who dont know what to do, which is obvious, because nobody has
taught him.
<kvarley> [VOTE] Re-schedule this meeting for a different time where more
members are present?
<MootBot> Please vote on:  Re-schedule this meeting for a different time
where more members are present?.
<MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel,
private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot
<MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
<kvarley> +1
<MootBot> +1 received from kvarley. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained.
Count is now 1
<skfin> +1
<MootBot> +1 received from skfin. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count
is now 2
<hakimsheriff> +0
<MootBot> Abstention received from hakimsheriff. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have
abstained. Count is now 2
<MichealH> +1
<MootBot> +1 received from MichealH. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained.
Count is now 3
<kvarley> Ok, that's decided
<kvarley> #endmeeting
<MootBot> Vote is in progress. Finishing now.
<MootBot> Final result is 3 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 3
<MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:25.
<skfin> Rescheduling meetings is not ok, but what other could we do...
<hakimsheriff> wow, thats why ubuntu for all is a good idea
<skfin> Yea :S
<skfin> hakimsheriff: But could we do something else rather than
rescehduling the meeting?
<skfin> I think no.

Thank You,
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