Fwd: Ubuntu Packaging Guide is now in the archive
Hernán guzmán
elmudometal en gmail.com
Mar Sep 11 13:02:52 UTC 2012
+1 me uno a esta iniciativa
2012/9/10 Xombra <webmaster en xombra.com>
> Importante doc
> +1 en la iniciativa
> El 10/09/12 16:34, Efrain Valles escribió:
> Saludos muchachos,
>> Un abrazo por el gran trabajo que realizan todos los días, hoy los
>> vengo a molestar para que si les es posible se den una pasadita por
>> https://translations.**launchpad.net/ubuntu-**packaging-guide<https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide>.
>> es la guía
>> de empaquetado ubuntu que esta disponible para traducciones, es una de
>> las piezas más importantes y con ella probablemente logremos más
>> desarrollo dentro de los hispanohablantes.
>> Sin más a que hacer referencia, quedamos de sus siempre buenos oficios.
>> Les dejo el mensaje original de Daniel Holbach
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach en ubuntu.com>
>> Date: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:56 AM
>> Subject: Ubuntu Packaging Guide is now in the archive
>> To: ubuntu-translators en lists.**ubuntu.com<ubuntu-translators en lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Hello everybody,
>> I blogged about it earlier, after putting a lot of work into it, we
>> finally were able to put the Ubuntu Packaging Guide into the quantal
>> archive.
>> http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/**2012/08/ubuntu-packaging-**
>> guide-has-finally-landed/<http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/08/ubuntu-packaging-guide-has-finally-landed/>
>> I hope that many of you would agree that it'd be good if this
>> information was translated, so I'd like to invite the curious of you to
>> help with the translation of it:
>> https://translations.**launchpad.net/ubuntu-**packaging-guide/<https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/>
>> The Packaging Guide uses Sphinx (reStructured Text), which is a very
>> obvious mark-up and should not require any specific knowledge.
>> Thanks in advance for everyone who helps out with this effort. You are
>> all awesome!
>> Have a great day,
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Get involved in Ubuntu development! developer.ubuntu.com/packaging
>> And follow @ubuntudev on identi.ca/twitter.com/**facebook.com/gplus.to<http://identi.ca/twitter.com/facebook.com/gplus.to>
>> --
>> ubuntu-translators mailing list
>> ubuntu-translators en lists.**ubuntu.com<ubuntu-translators en lists.ubuntu.com>
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/**mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-**translators<https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators>
> --
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