Resultados de los comandos enviados por correo electronico

ubuntu-cu-owner en ubuntu-cu-owner en
Lun Sep 10 21:17:04 UTC 2012

Los resultados del comando que ha enviado por correo electrónico más
abajo. También se ha incluido su mensaje original.

- Sin procesar:
    looking for representatives in Europe to cooperate with international holdings in distribution of investment in IT
    Salary: 4000 EUR monthly for 3 - 4 working hours a day.
    Your earnings may increase depending on the time invested, severity and loyalty to the company.
    If you are interested in the prospect of employment please review the job requirements:
    - Have a LLC company or equivalent (be an owner or power of attorney holder)
    - Receive payments from our customers all over the world
    - When processing each payment you receive an immediate bonus of 5% of the payment amount
    - Maintain reporting and any necessary preparations to receive payments
    - Be confident in the accuracy of the correctness and delivering them on time
    This position does not involve a change of residence and you will be able to work in your area.
    This listing does not include fixed working hours and is absolutely suitable for all sectors and age groups in our society.
    You do not need to invest or spend your money, all the costs come at the expense of the company.
    1. Elementary knowledge of the banking system and money transfer systems.
    2. Ability to accept payments in your bank account at your bank.
    3. Speed of processing tasks (send and receive payments) for a given system of money transfers.
    4. Ability to check your email on the Internet at least once a day.
    If you are interested in this proposal, we suggest that you go through a trial period.

- Ignorados:
    For this purpose send your information to us.
    These are:
    1. Your full name.
    2. Your age.
    3. Contact phone number in international format.
    4. Contact email address.
    5. Your company name.
    Send the data to the company email address Rudolph en 
    HR department

- Proceso terminado.

------------ próxima parte ------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: <ubuntu-es-l10n en>,
	<ubuntu-pt en>,
	<ubuntu-cu-request en>
Subject: Expanding American corporation searching for reps in Europe
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 18:18:33 -0300
Size: 3112
URL: <>

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