[Ubuntu-eg] [Community Partner]: Java Developers Conference 2013

Anas Emad anas.emad at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 16:35:51 UTC 2013

We ( Ubuntu Eg : Ubuntu Egypt local Team ) are Community partner with EGJUG
at JDC 2013 event


Java Developers Conference 2013

More than 600 Java professionals and students will gather next March (the
8th and 9th of March) in Cairo for the biggest Java conference in the
Middle East and North Africa (Java Developer Conference 2013), you could be
one of the speakers on the stage at JDC 2013, we’re looking for Java geeks
who can share their own experience, success stories, lesson learned and
anything related to Java and JVM.

Past speakers include geeks from Oracle, Red Hat, Nokia, IBM, Google and
much more.

*Speakers of the year*
  [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/simon_maple> The
Adventurous Developer's guide to JVM Languages  Today there are over 50
actively worked JVM languages in existence today. Some have been ported to
the JVM while others have been written specifically for the JVM. This hands
on session with take an introductory (but non hello, world) look at a
number of JVM languages including, Java 8, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, Ceylon,
Xtend and Clojure as well as the tooling support. Read
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/simon_maple> JRebel in
the Enterprise  Rebel rose as a research project to solve the problem with
redeploying the Java applications that led to enormous turnaround cycles.
The longer is the turnaround time, the more room for distractions there is,
leading to long unintentional breaks and loss of the focus. Read
    [image: sp1]
<http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/maciek_pr%C3%B3chniak> Scalable
language, scalable DB - accessing OrientDB with Scala  NoSQL is here to
stay - for better or worse. There are document, graph, column, key-value
databases - all serve specific purposes well. Today I want you to look at
relatively new and unknown player - OrientDB. Why is it different and why
should you care? Read
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/kees_jan_koster>
Explained  Using the JVM source code, Kees Jan compiled a list of all out
of memory errors that you may run into when running Java systems. Using
code samples, tools and experience Kees Jan explains what each of these
errors mean, how they come about and what to do when you see one. Read
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/kees_jan_koster> Introducing
HIP, the Human Interaction Protocol

Humans have wonderfully weird interfaces. Ranging from elegantly simple to
brutish and infuriating. It is an interface that we all use every day. It
is so prevalent that, regrettably, we tend to forget it is there. For all
their love of tinkering with systems, developers seem to have no interest
whatsoever in hacking this API.

HIP is Open Source, with nearly 7 billion users and almost as many
contributors. Over the course of history, the API to humans has been well
documented and explored. It is the only API that can be talked about at
Read More<http://jdc2013.egjug.org/session/introducing_hip_human_interaction_protocol>
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/velmurugan_periasamy> Divide
& Conquer: Efficient Java for the Multi-Core World  Java 7 includes the
fork-join framework for representing finer-grained parallel algorithms.
This presentation will discuss various ways to utilize of the full
potential of multi-core systems and provide an introduction to the Java 7
language capabilities, the fork-join framework & constructs that facilitate
finer-grained parallelism. Java 7 concepts and features will be
demonstrated using a sample application. This session will be highly
interactive with lots of sample code. Read
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/mohamed_taman> JEE7.next(),
Reveal the power of WebSocket, JSON APIs & HTML5  In this presentation I
will introduce the Websocket API JSR 356 and JSON Processing API JSR
353which will be part of the next release of JEE7, with a powerful final
project that demonstrate the power of each JSRs and HTML 5 Websocket API as
presentation tier. Read
    [image: sp1] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/speaker/mohamed_alfateh> Java
Web Application Security and Frameworks Built-in Defensible Techniques  This
session will help Java web developers secure their applications and apply
best practices with regard to secure coding. During the session we will
look at a specific pieces of code, identify security flaws, implement fixes
for the flaws found on the OWASP Top 10 and CWE/SANS Top 25 and learn the
most efficient and effective process to integrate security into the
existing software devel­opment lifecycle. Read
    2D/3D Asha Mobile Games Development  In this session we will talk in
depth about: MIDP Game APIs for 2D , M3G APIs for 3D and 3D in Asha. Read
More <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/session/2d3d_games_development>      Mobile
Performance and optimization  In this session we will talk about memory,
power/battery, use of resources and responsiveness. Read

Register Now ! <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/registration_process>**

[image: Register] <http://jdc2013.egjug.org/registration_process>

<https://www.facebook.com/jdconf> <https://twitter.com/#!/egjdc>

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[image: Nokia]   <http://www.nokia.com/>

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[image: egjug] <http://egjug.org>
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