[Ubuntu-eg] Fundraising

Karim Fayez karim.fayez at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 01:49:30 UTC 2011

Dear all;
Allow me to start some threads regarding what can we do for our team in the
next phase which we hope will boost performance and capabilities.
First things first :-) funds(inkind and cash)
I have worked as a fundraiser for some quality time and I have a kind of
good experience in this matter which I would like to move forward to process
for the sake of our team. What we need to have is first a team of
negotiators and I can train them, a document about Ubuntu-eg and what we
call a benefit pack which is basically what we can give in exchange for the
funds we get. I can start working on that with the help of the team members
to come up with a set of ideas achievable by us in order to start working
upon this matter. An issue was raised with ahmed toulan about the
registration of Ubuntu-eg either as a company or an NGO and I will elaborate
about the differences in Egyptian law regarding taxes after consulting with
a lawyer as there r several types of both. I would go with ahmed towards an
NGO if that won't stand in the way of several resources related to
incubation activities that we might be able to attract but I will consult
the lawyer in details about this matter.
I think we as a team have huge potential to do alot so lets go ahead and
Any ideas regarding this matters and any comments would be very helpful to
achieve our goals so please contribute freely ;-)

Ideas have no limits

Thanks and best regards;
Karim Fayez
sent via android
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