[Ubuntu-eg] This time, it's a surprise from MIcro$oft!

Amahdy AbdElAziz amahdy7 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 22:38:42 UTC 2011

So identity revealed? :D ... euuh do you speak English? :D mosh fahim!

-- Amahdy AbdElAziz

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 08:29, Processing Qbits
<processingqbits at gmail.com>wrote:

> Arigatou gozaimasu for the chapeaux
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Amahdy AbdElAziz <amahdy7 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I have to admit that I laughed a lot reading the comments now...
>> First I don't see him here but a big chapeaux for him "Salahuddin
>> El-Kazak" (Qbits maybe???)
>> Second, for who don't use Facebook and rather follow mailing lists like
>> me,, I'd like to share with you some jokes:
>> Ahmed Shams Says:
>>> Microsoft's version of Open Source Rights philosophy:
>>> 1. You're free to run it(After you buy it!)
>>> 2. You can Access the Code(But you should be a Microsoft employee at
>>> least)
>>> 3. You're free to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor(ONLY
>>> if your neighbor have bought it too from MS)
>>> 4. You're totally free to distribute copies of your modified versions to
>>> others(ONLY on our dead bodies!)
>> The reply from someone who is not joking and very serious:
>>> @Ahmed Shams
>>> 1. You can download for free for educational purposes
>>> 2. You can access the code easily if u r a student
>>> 3. You can distribute your product its ur choice but not to exceed the
>>> max no. of installations
>>> 4. This is against the EULA but u can modify windows versions and use it
>>> for ur own
>> //Sorry ya +Shams, kan lazim afrg el group 3ala 3milak!! :P
>> Now a windows kernel source code! huh? well Google gives a pretty funny
>> results also regarding this topic.
>> Since I'm so allergic to Facebook, unfortunately I won't be able to keep
>> following this comedy but please keep us updated :)
>> If you want to change topic a little bit, read this: It’s ‘Game Over’ for
>> Linux. Apparently.<http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/its-game-over-for-linux-apparently/>
>> -- Amahdy AbdElAziz
>> http://www.amahdy.net
>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 01:48, Ahmed Shams <ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I contacted Ahmed Fouad and he removed the ban, but after causing me a
>>> real headache trying to convince me that nobody is banned and it's
>>> just a FB bug :D I never knew that MSPs are that funny, maybe it's a
>>> condition now :P
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Ahmed
>>> --
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