Ubuntu day @ legend

Ahmed Shams ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 23:15:48 UTC 2011

On 17/03/2011, Amahdy <mrjava.javaman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not quite true, if windows crashes, u may surpase the Ubuntu re-install, and
> only re-install wubi, so not a big problem if you take care from the first
> time installation.
Sorry, I didn't understand that, would you explain?
Isn't, if the windows system completely failed to boot-up, the user
will need to reinstall a whole windows again, and thus all
installations(including Ubuntu) will go with the wind!
Do you mean that I can install Ubuntu from CD again and it will detect
the installed one inside windows?, if it is the case, won't the user
want his windows back?, is there a way to fix both systems, if
installed through wubi?

> Here is only what they have to know, wubi is for demo and not encouraged at
> all to use it more than 6 months, the user must take decision within this
> time period!
but I might not be able to reach him again in 6 months, and anyway,
Windows will fail along time before that.
What is the best way to avoid Windows' Instability?, Ubuntu is quite
stable how to Keep this Great feature and keep our install-feat easy
as possible?

> I'm 90% with u guys, willing to help in installation :)
I'll be happy to meet you :)


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