Ubuntu day @ legend

Mahmoud Darweash mahmoud.darweash at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 14:15:50 UTC 2011

Great ya shabaab

Mainly, most of the students will bring their laptops to install ubuntu on
it while the session is running.

I suggest WUBI to make it easier @ the start....

Let's rock!

Sent By Android
Mahmoud Darweash
Mobile Solutions Engineer
Mobile: +20 (10) 53 60 9 60
On Mar 8, 2011 1:40 PM, "Amr Ali" <amr.ali.cc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good luck Mahmoud, its nice to know that we still have such active and
> Open Source advocates.
> Throughout my experience with new comers, I found out that the best way to
> approach them is through eye candy, ease of use, user friendliness, and
> out-of-box readiness.
> Talk is good, but they will keep having the thought "show me the money".
> Basically I think that it is best if you had a session with 10-15 PCs all
> Ubuntu installed with all kinds of software and eye candy to have
attendees form
> groups and play with it. During that you can talk them through some cool
> or present some ideas that could be done easily in Ubuntu and not in
> and/or have them ask questions about how to do something in Linux that
they used
> to do in windows.
> Maybe also you can talk about the moral side of "stealing" software by not
> paying for it iff the producer didn't allow free usage, and how most of
> applications and windows itself is costly by the mere choice of using it,
> there are more and more software you will need, while most Linux's
> contain some 22k software packages that will cover all of your possible
> (hypothetically of course, my needs far out weights whats in any
repository, but
> that is aside from the point :-D). (yes the act of cracking a said
> without paying fees due for using it without the producer consent is
> that's of course aside from the fact that all software should be free, but
> you don't agree, don't use).
> Anyways, good luck, and keep it up :-)
> ~// Amr Ali
> On 03/08/2011 10:18 AM, Mahmoud Darweash wrote:
>> I've been speaking with student for more than 3 monthes during the
courses time
>> about ubuntu... finally, we have around 30 student that wishes to convert
>> ubuntu and they wish to attend ubuntu session. The ubuntu day isa will be
>> not to break our thoughts :)
>> We need to schedule a day (may be any Friday) to tell them what should
they do.
>> Also most of the employers @ legend wish to convert :) I think I'll have
>> conversion record :)
>> Prepare me 3 hours session that may be good initial start for the normal
user :)
>> Sent By Android
>> --
>> Mahmoud Darweash
>> Mobile Solutions Engineer
>> Mobile: +20 (10) 53 60 9 60
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