Meeting report 2011-07-29

Ahmed Shams ahmedkhattabshams at
Tue Aug 23 12:57:24 UTC 2011

The 3 of them have 2 problems, Hard to maintain and not of very great
value, though, the Goals for xxxx section is essential, can't we just
move it to a separate page and rename it to "Mission Statement" then
maybe we can include it to Home.
The 'News' Section is essential too, but it's really hard to maintain,
let's find another method to keep ppl in touch with us, like linking
to this one:
there's also iCal and RSS feeds.

Also, I'm not comfortable with USA flag on our Home page, is it only me who
feel this???I think there should be only one flag over there. Can't we
just use something like this:


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