DISCUSSION about the Magazine

Ahmed Khattab Shams ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 17:31:48 UTC 2010

On 02/10/2010, Islam Wazery <al.wazery at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ubuntunero's
> I have some ideas about the magazine and i want to discuss them here with
> all of you, please first take a look at the Idea
> Pool<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/IdeaPool/Ubuntu%20Egypt%20Magazine>
> .
> 1- What is your suggestions about the following UNAPPROVED ideas and what do
> you think we can approve for now.
>    - Give free Apparels or CD's as a Monthly Contest Gifts. (i think we can
>    do that at a Small-scale)
I agree at a small-scale, in fact we have no power to make it
available for more then the small-scale.

>    - Interview articles with developers in Ubuntu. (is there any one can
>    handle this if it is useful)
I Agree, and I can Handle this one but this needs some negotiation
with the rest of the team members to Agree upon:
1. The Interviewee:
 I suppose one of those; Daniel Holbach(packager), Martin Pitt(Global
Programmer), David Planela(the most famous Translator)>for more inf
about them you can use the:
Search engine.

2.The Questions and idea that would be presented to the Interviewee, for now:
Type of Interview, Vocal or Textual; and I prefer the textual.
If textual; How Long (# of lines)?, estimate the average number of
Questions?(how many Qs about him, how many about his job, how many
opinion Qs, etc...).
/I prefer Daniel Holbach, he's an Canonical-Employee, sweet guy, will
known, and a professional packager, you can see him here:
and with a good pic for him like the following one, it would be nice:

>    - Interactive Contents like videos (because it will be an e-magazine).
>    Note: this won't affect it's size because any content will be placed as a
>    reference.

Referring with a link can be done with one condition, if listed for
copyrighting or extended Giant source like an encyclopedia of the
subject or some. But for videos, my personal opinion, It'll be such a
poor filling, because I'd have no patience to read an e-mag and
whenever I meet a link, I click, watch, then get back to the e-mag
content(Again, a personal opinion).

>    - Write (some of) it in Egyptian Slang.(i think it isn't a good idea :D)
NO WAY :-|, please keep in mind that this e-mag is going to be read by
many people, and to use the STANDARD Language is all ways preferred
and all ways Acceptable(Believe me, it's my job I'm somehow a

>    - Translate articles from English magazines.
Pick some Important& Special News and Headlines is very good, but a
translation process of some content will result in a content that
misses the "Glitter" of Our LoCo's flavor, and I'm afraid that it's
expatriation can be easily noticed.
> 2- What about making this magazine a general open source related magazine,
> with the name of Ubuntu which isn't a problem and addressed to Arabs in
> general.
NICE Idea :), but still we are only an Ubuntu LoCo, not open source
Activists on wide, we can deal with that some how but this needs a
very long negotiation process to collect all ideas, as this is a very
big step and even will be historical to this e-mag.

> 3- What are your suggestions about the name is Ubuntu alone enough, as you
> know, there were Ubuntu plus magazine and i heard about it's successor
> Ubuntu Arabic but i am not sure with it.
I, myself, love the 'Ubuntu Plus' because the word "Plus" gives some
"Excitement" to the mag, which works side-by-side with new logos and
graphics on the Front Page, more then the row"Ubuntu" Name.

> 4- Please if you are interested in writing in the magazine send me a reply
> about what you will going to write. But first tell me what kind of articles
> you will write (see the contents bellow).

 - Interviews ____If we negotiate the ideas as required above I think
I can do it (God Willing).

Thanks & Regards,
Ahmed Shams

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