DISCUSSION about the Magazine

Islam Wazery al.wazery at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 01:01:34 UTC 2010

Hi Ubuntunero's

I have some ideas about the magazine and i want to discuss them here with
all of you, please first take a look at the Idea

1- What is your suggestions about the following UNAPPROVED ideas and what do
you think we can approve for now.

   - Give free Apparels or CD's as a Monthly Contest Gifts. (i think we can
   do that at a Small-scale)
   - Interview articles with developers in Ubuntu. (is there any one can
   handle this if it is useful)
   - Interactive Contents like videos (because it will be an e-magazine).
   Note: this won't affect it's size because any content will be placed as a
   - Write (some of) it in Egyptian Slang.(i think it isn't a good idea :D)
   - Translate articles from English magazines.

2- What about making this magazine a general open source related magazine,
with the name of Ubuntu which isn't a problem and addressed to Arabs in
3- What are your suggestions about the name is Ubuntu alone enough, as you
know, there were Ubuntu plus magazine and i heard about it's successor
Ubuntu Arabic but i am not sure with it.
4- Please if you are interested in writing in the magazine send me a reply
about what you will going to write. But first tell me what kind of articles
you will write (see the contents bellow).

Here is a quick look of it's CONTENTS as i wrote in the idea pool.

   - Editor in chief word or the issue word.
   - Ubuntu and open source latest news.
   - Editors articles.
   - Tutorials and HOW TOs.
   - Applications, Alternatives and Gaming.
   - Technical articles.
   - Interviews
   - Funny Facts or Comics
   - Q&A


Islam Wazery
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