teaching in NYC DOE --urge for edubuntu

Don Davie dedavie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 17:01:49 UTC 2011

I agree with Charles, A well rounded tech that can objectively look at the
pros and cons of all software is a major plus.   the biggest issue we have
encountered with opensource and Ubuntu is teacher buy-in.  They are
comforitable with Microsoft products and that has been the single road block
to my tech plan.  Our english department went crazy when we didn't puchase
MS Office!  I even created tutorials on how to open/save
OpenOffice/LibreOffice in MS Word and a teacher inservice on OpenSource
software :)

our high school is on a college campus, and we are not allowed to have a
server.  Our SIS uses a LMS (similar to moodle) through Pearson.  It handles
a good chunk of the homework submission and exams.  We send out a flyer home
with our students with direction on how to create a Gmail Account or a
Hotmail account and the importance of backing up their documents.

We also use windows embeddid for print stations.  It allows the students to
load a thumbdrive and print any doccument without the worry about them
toying around with the OS.

each student has been issued a laptop with DeepFreeze from Feronics.
Its.... ok.  Nothing is ever 100% effective and some of my students are
expert hackers.  I end up recloneing their drives after each semester :)

I am expereminting with Netbook version of Ubunto on our netbooks to replace
the Win7 Starter.  Hopefully our english department will begin to see that
there are friendlier alternatives available.

If you need more info, im here to help anyone on the list
Don E. Davie
University Preparatory High School
915 S Mooney Blvd
Visalia, CA 93277

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Adam Schwartz <aschwartz at aupnyc.org> wrote:

> howdy ubunteurs
> I'm an educator (hope I got the right list!)
> I'm a teacher in the NYC dept of education, where I have ended up as the go
> to tech guy as well.
> I use ubuntu 10.4 at home on a dell desktop, and just got a 10.4 acer
> aspire one netbook--just installed edubuntu suite on that. anyway, I am
> writing because., I want to start using it at s
> My school is lucky enought to have been chosen at an IZONE school for next
> year, and we are actually hiring a tech guy!
> My school is lucky enough to have been chosen at an IZONE<http://schools.nyc.gov/community/innovation/izone/default.htm>school for next year, and we are actually hiring a tech guy!
> chool.
> My school is lucky enought to have been chosen at an IZONE school for next
> year, and we are actually hiring a tech guy!
> but I hate the idea of having 100's of WinX or even Macs running in our
> classrooms--just more targets for malware and game software. that's why I
> want to go for edubuntu
> Any NYCDOE teachers out there? anyone have any advice for adopting edubuntu
> for a serverless school environment--(using google docs and online storage
> systems)
> thanks!
> --
> Adam J Schwartz
> The Academy of Urban Planning
> --
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