David Groos
djgroos at gmail.com
Sat May 22 15:14:21 BST 2010
Welcome Nancy
I've been using computers powered by Edubuntu for a couple of years in my
class and they are working great. One thing that has been useful in my
class is using LTSP--in other words thin clients. It has several huge
advantages but to me the biggest are ease of management (once you figure it
out) and second, that you can be running Ubuntu on older, recycled
equipment. In 1 class they use PIII, in 2 others we use P4's and all work
Have fun and don't hesitate to share your experiences, insights and
David Groos
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:09 PM, <indigo196 at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> Nancy:
> Welcome to the list.
> Do you have any experience with Moodle?
> What types of 'problems' are you trying to solve with technology?
> Charles
> ---- Nancy McKeand <namckeand at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > My name is Nancy McKeand, and I teach English as a second language at a
> university in New Mexico.
> >
> > I have been using Ubuntu for a long time. I have looked at edubuntu but
> have never run it on any of may machines. I am just now starting to play
> around with Schooltool to see if it might not provide me with a way to do
> some of the things I want to do with my classes. I haven't made it very far
> yet, but what I see is interesting.
> >
> > I would love to become involved in an education-related Ubuntu project,
> but I have no idea where to start. While I am trying to figure that out, I
> will listen and learn from you.
> >
> > Nancy McKeand
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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