Open Source alternative to

Jeffrey LePage jeffrey_lepage at
Mon Nov 10 13:45:06 GMT 2008

Hello all,

My son's school is looking for a online way to handle the paperwork associated with our board meetings.  

Our Board of Directors wants an online solution to publish meeting minutes and streamline paperwork while simultaneosly complying with all the various laws and regulations that impact a public charter school.  

The board is looking at a proprietary product called  Minimum price is $1000 setup fee plus $2700/year.  

QUESTION: Is there a FOSS product that can do the same thing?  Do you think a product like Alfresco would satisfy the requirements? 

** See below for more info. **

Background (our school):
We're a public charter school, so we have to deal simultaneously with both sunshine laws and privacy laws, not to mention various miscellaneous regulations originating from the state dept of education and the local school board.  We don't get any IT support from the district; we have one guy (me) who does all the computer stuff. We have our own Board of Directors, plus an associated non-profit, plus another organization responsible for leading our parent community.

Background (Boarddocs):
Boarddocs is supposed to 
1) help alleviate the enormous task of assembling, printing, distributing and revising agenda items and policies.
2) help process agenda items, supporting documents, policies and procedures
3) control who has access to each document
4) help make last minute revisions, and redistribute your materials

In many respects it sounds a lot like MS Sharepoint or the FOSS project AlFresco (

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.


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