Problem in Firefox Browser

Simon Ruiz sruiz at
Thu Feb 22 18:45:34 GMT 2007

Is there any chance the CD you're waiting for is for version 6.10 Edgy?
In my experience, each version of Ubuntu is quite a bit better at recognizing different hardware configurations and working with them than the previous version (not to mention quite a bit better in just about every other way, too). I'd install the most recent version of Ubuntu you can get your hands on; chances are this would be enough to get you a working Firefox.
Do you have a broadband connection and a CD burner? If so, you've got everything you need to get the latest version at < <> >; if not, then the CD you're awaiting is your lifeline.
If it still doesn't work then, I'd be quite surprised, and I would then certainly suggest you do as I mentioned below and consult the logs to see what the malfunction is.
Best of Luck!


From: Lucky Donegan [mailto:LDonegan at]
Sent: Thu 2/22/2007 1:08 PM
To: Simon Ruiz
Subject: Re: Problem in Firefox Browser

Yes it sure is as Firefox has always behaved this way since I installed it.

On the Live CD no I don't have that all I have is a downloaded version but
have one on order and should arrive anyday now.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Ruiz" <sruiz at>
To: "Lucky Donegan" <LDonegan at>
Cc: <ubuntu-education at>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:23 AM
Subject: RE: Problem in Firefox Browser

This is rather strange.

My first question would be: has Firefox always behaved this way on this
install? That is, since the very first time you installed Ubuntu?

Do you have a Live CD to boot from? If so, I would recommend booting to the
Live CD and trying to run Firefox from there. If it does not work on the
Live CD, my guess would be that this older version of Ubuntu does not
recognize something about your system correctly.

Linux most certainly has "event viewer" functionality. Check out the log

The one you should probably keep an eye on is /var/log/messages

You could try running Firefox, making it crash and then pulling up
/var/log/messages in a text editor.

Best of luck!



From: Lucky Donegan [mailto:LDonegan at]
Sent: Wed 2/21/2007 6:10 PM
To: Simon Ruiz
Subject: Re: Problem in Firefox Browser

Hello Simon
Yes everytime I utilize Firefox in the Linux platform it closes immediately
and gives no message in the process.

Its too bad that Linux does not have a event viewer as XP does it would
hopefully tell more but that is all I can say is it closes immediately with
no explanation.


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