Hello all :)

Simon Ruiz sruiz at mccsc.edu
Sun Dec 3 18:47:37 GMT 2006

There must be a Traditional Chinese language version available somewhere! (Famous Last Words)

So, I don't really know the difference between Traditional and Simplified Chinese just by looking at it, but have you checked out http://www.dubuntu.com/ ??? http://www.ubuntu.com.cn/ ???

If Ubuntu is the first Operating System translated into Kurdish, I can't imagine there isn't a Traditional Chinese version.

Have you spoken with the nice people at http://www.ubuntu.org.tw/ ???

Best of luck to you, friend, and welcome to our community!

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-education-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com on behalf of darrell storey
Sent: Sun 12/3/2006 5:54 AM
To: ubuntu-education at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Hello all :)
As you can see my name is Darrell, and I'm very new to this:)
I'm in Taiwan teaching English, and having a great time at it too. I came across Edubuntu not by accident, but by chance. It was the result of an off-topic comment on Dailykos - www.dailykos.com

I'm ready to install the OS (I hate Windows), but I'm not a techie and not sure about internet connection, and the language barrier is high (I'm worried that a technician here won't know Linux).

Also, I had a meeting with my boss yesterday and showed him the software. I have him 90% convinced to set up a classroom. The stumbling point again is language. Is there a TRADITIONAL Chinese language version available, and where can I get it?

Kind Regards,

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