[ec2] Memcached ... setting up two or moe memcached intances for use by one

Jeffrey Greenberg jeffg at inventivity.com
Wed Apr 28 04:34:13 BST 2010

I've installed and have been using memcached on two separate 8.04 images.
They are each configured to run on IP  They run fine.  Now, I'd
to have each instance to act as memcaches that I use from any one of them.
That is sort of double my cache size and share them accross machines -- make
a small cluster.  
I've been assuming that to do this I need to have each instance's memcached
run as the IP i've assigned  them via Amazon Elastic IPs (e.g. 174.x.x.1,
and 174.x.x.2).  And then have my memcache clients connect to each
explicitly  (via memcache::addServer php).
The problem is that if I configure and restart memcached to any IP other
than they will fail to open that new IP and not start.
How can i configure my instances and memcached configs to become a usable
and secure pair for my use?
thanks in advance
Jeffrey Greenberg
http://www.jeffrey-greenberg.com <http://www.jeffrey-greenberg.com/> 
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