[ec2-beta] Running alestic images with ubuntu-beta kernel?

Eric Hammond ehammond at thinksome.com
Fri Feb 13 23:41:42 GMT 2009


This worked for me:

  ec2-run-instances        \
    --key KEYPAIR          \
    --kernel aki-af14f0c6  \
    --ramdisk ari-ac14f0c5 \

I was also able to rebundle and run the new AMI.

You don't need the kernel modules just to boot, but those could be added.

For folks reading this in the archives, note that all ids in the above
command line are likely to be out of date.  Please use the latest
appropriate AMI, AKI, ARI.

Eric Hammond
ehammond at thinksome.com

Simon Detheridge wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone managed to get an Alestic image to boot with the ubuntu kernel? I tried copying the modules directory into the alestic image and resnapshotting it pointing at the matching ubuntu kernel and ramdisk, but it didn't boot.
> Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?
> Simon

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